Verde Valley Panorama

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Felicia Coates for Cottonwood City Council

Committed to Serve Cottonwood

Why vote for me?

We all know Cottonwood is a great place to raise a family, start a business, retire, etc.  I want to do my part to ensure that will continue to be the case in the future. 

I will use my energy and skills to:

  • Get Council Back on Track
    I will collaborate respectfully with fellow Councilmembers to meet the needs of our community; we are best when we are united!  I will serve my community with humility. 

  • Work for the common good
    I will work for all citizens.  I am an independent thinker with no special agendas.  I will listen to diverse stakeholders to balance interests and make decisions objectively. 

  • Deliver on the primary needs of citizens
    I will work to ensure the City delivers on its day-to-day operations (roads, safety, water, wastewater, recreation, library, etc.) with high quality and timeliness.  I will support the hard-working staff of the City in their daily effort to meet citizen’s needs. 

  • Preserve and grow Cottonwood’s leadership in the Verde Valley
    I will work to ensure the City has a robust and sustainably growing economy.  I will work to update the strategic plan to deliver a vibrant future for all.

  • Promote and grow a strong sense of community and fellowship
    I support the vision for our City where a diversity of people co-exist and thrive.  I want to work to realize this vision.

  • Build trust by improving engagement, transparency and accountability
    I want to enhance the City’s engagement with the community as well as the community’s ability to engage with the City.  Improving the transparency and accountability of City/Council actions are important to maintaining a trusting relationship between the City and the community.